

Black-Eyed-Susan stimulates awareness into the Self. All essences facilitate personal awareness, but Black-Eyed-Susan has a special way of provoking a more penetrating insight into parts of the Self that the psyche is otherwise hiding away. Often the psyche denies shadow aspects or memories from the past on purpose as a protective mechanism, and this need for protection can be very legitimate. Black-Eyed-Susan becomes appropriate when we’re ready to have a look at what we may know we’ve been avoiding, but that we lack detailed clarity around. Through this essence we have the courage and willingness to encounter the hidden parts of ourselves and our life’s story, and the ability to shine the light of cognizance into the shadows.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Original image by Roberta Shepherd, HHP