Order Flower Essences

By filling out the order form below, you may order a custom-blended dosage bottle just for you.

Cost for an intuitive selection, including the bottle, is $65 (+GST when purchasing through Reveal Wellness Studio) + shipping costs (if applicable). Shipping costs vary depending on location. If you’ve chosen for your bottle to be shipped, payment is required prior to shipping via E-transfer to info@rawberta.com.

Click here to peruse the flower essences that I work with
**This page is a work in progress and only provides details for SOME of the 166 spirit medicines that I work with**

Click here to select from a variety of pre-mixed dosage bottles

Upon submitting the order form, you will be contacted once your bottle is ready for pick-up at Reveal Wellness Studio, typically within 3-5 days. If you’ve chosen for your bottle to be shipped, you will be contacted once the bottle is in the mail.

All blends are made up of spring water, brandy, food-grade vegetable glycerine and your intuitively selected Flower Essences in a 50ml amber, glass bottle with glass dropper top. Please contact me for special needs or to arrange consultation.

If you’re using Flower Essences for the first time, please watch this video: