
Original image by Roberta Shepherd, HHP


Forget-Me-Not is a standard grief remedy, most specifically related to grief around loss of a person’s life. When someone dies, while grief is an important and necessary part of the healing process, the reason we sometimes grieve so hard is because we have created attachment to the lost person’s physical form – but of course! We have come here to experience physical form after all! Forget-Me-Not soothes grief by supporting a spiritual relationship with the departed, not so as to invalidate grief around loss of physical form, but to allow for ease of movement through the process, and a deeper connection with the soul of the departed. When we establish a primarily spiritual relationship to departed souls, then we can receive the richness of insight, direction and guidance from the spirit world.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.