

A gorgeous heart remedy and truly one of my all-time favorites, Holly teaches lessons of unconditional love. This type of love accepts and celebrates no matter HOW the soul shows up. This type of love must start with the Self in order to experience the privilege of sharing it with others. Therefore, Holly first helps to restore an unconditionally loving relationship with the Self. Extremely appropriate for the ways we find ourselves participating in comparison, jealousy, and anger towards others because of their felicity. When we need Holly, we tend towards saying things like “Must be nice”, or, “Look what they have that I don’t have”. Holly is one of the most fundamental and foundational remedies because it helps us to explore and experience the possibility of true, unconditional love – and love is the great healer of all, the alchemist, the true transformative power for and in the world.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Image Credit: Jennie Biltek of This is Jennie Alexis, Vancouver, BC

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Holly Flower Essence treats the disease of comparison – a spiritual vampire that has us always missing what’s right before us. Holly is one of my favorite Flower Essences because it provides the auspicuous invitation to explore UNCONDITIONAL love. The kind that has us stretch beyond the boundaries of our imposed limitations. .. Just so happens I’m taking this magical plant spirit medicine right now. Here are some of my reflections from yesterday that clearly illustrate this plant ally’s influence: .. “Some days, it’s hard to believe that what’s available to one is available to ALL. I propagate this message, which I believe to be truth, to those around me, but then I have days where I’m infected with the disease of comparison: . “They’re fully booked and I’m not.” . “They’re worthy to take up space here, but I’m not.” . “They lived out the fairytale, but not me.” . “Love and partnership was available to them despite their personal stumblings and seeming unreadiness, but that’s not the case for me.” . …there are so many other lies that are symptoms of this disease of comparison. A lot of times, especially today, I want to allow this disease to overpower me, and I struggle to combat the thoughts that feel “too powerful” – I’m tempted to fold in to this sickness like I often have before, allowing deficient mental patterns to dictate my reality. Through tears of frustration and exasperation, I realize that if I forever fold in to this, then I have NO possibility for change & transformation. It takes more effort on days like today to apply the medicine of ‘what’s available to one is available to all’, but without this medicine and vigilance with the dosing, I’m at high risk of this disease taking me out, because it is insidious, ruthless, merciless and a true spiritual vampire.” .. My gorgeous soul sister @thisisjenniealexis kept her eyes peeled for a blossoming Holly for me for over a year. I’m so grateful for her dedication and this stunning shot. 🙏 .. #personalgrowth #floweressences #flowertherapy #personalhealing #personaltransformation #hollyfloweressence #introspection

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