

Themes: Rest, self-honoring, connection to Self and own life force.

“I allow my body to rest deeply. I access the power of my own life force for rejuvenation and restoration.”

Olive is a remedy for times when we have reached our utmost maximum capacity, when we have even gone far beyond that. Oftentimes this happens after years, even decades of pushing ourselves beyond our own limits, having had intense expectations of our own bodies that causes eventual exhaustion that far surpasses regular tiredness. When we need Olive, we are perhaps resisting deep rest even while our bodies crave to be restored from our own unreasonable demands upon it. The body may be presenting psychosomatic symptoms that are an expression of its own exhaustion, desperately asking for rest far greater than a nap or a few early nights. The medicine of Olive connects us to sustainability of health via spiritual forces that we have direct access to because they are an essential part of our makeup. By connecting to our own life force, we can take the appropriate rest our body is calling for and be rejuvenated into a new expression of Self that includes balance, self-honoring and understanding of our own limits.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Photo credit: Olea europaea, by H. Zell via Wikimedia Commons. Image file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license and GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2. Image size adjusted to fit file.