Pink Yarrow

Pink Yarrow

Themes: Healthy detachment, boundaries, self-awareness, self-containment.

“I recognize my own feelings. I honor the processes of others. I stay in my own process.”

All Yarrow Flower Essences are for explorations around personal boundaries. Pink Yarrow is specifically for those of us who are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, often picking up on, or internalizing other people’s feelings. This can cause us to get into spaces of confusion around which feelings are endogenous to us, and which ones we’ve picked up – we may not even know that we’re picking up on other people’s emotions, and sometimes will make decisions based on the emotions of others, consciously or otherwise. Pink Yarrow teaches greater emotional self-containment and helps us to decipher our own emotional reality: where it begins and ends and where it can tend towards coalescing with that of others.

Recommended Activity: Each day, spend a few minutes getting quiet, closing your eyes, and feeling in to your OWN Self. Once you connect with yourself, name your feelings. What are you feeling right now? We often confuse mental processes with feelings, so be aware of keeping it simple when identifying feelings. The most basic feelings are: happy, sad, angry, fearful. There are many offshoots of those basics – see if your identified feelings trace back to one of those roots and remember that happy AND sad (for example) can co-exist.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Original image by Roberta Shepherd, HHP