

A valuable medicinal plant, sage symbolizes wisdom. In North American Indigenous peoples’ traditions, sage is sacred, burned for smudging in ceremonies to provide purification, facilitate prayers, a deeper connection to Self and The Creator. Sage Flower Essence is indicated for times of distillation when we feel called to step back from our enmeshment in day-to-day living and survey our lives, extracting deeper meaning, higher perspective, and personal clarification. Sage encourages the drawing of wisdom from life experience, putting us in touch with our soul’s purpose. When we go through this refinement process, which is a natural part of human development, then we are more equipped for our own healing, and to offer effective guidance for others.

Information adapted from: Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Original image by Roberta Shepherd, HHP