

Growing up, especially during definitive teen years, we can tend to resent and shove away guidance from elders such as parents or parent figures, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or teachers. We might think that we’re invincible and ageless, emotionally turbulent as we seek to identify ourselves, warring with anyone we perceive as being in command. We might also resent being part of our family group, culture, race, class, particular financial standing, etc.  Saguaro plant spirit medicine is specifically for this energetic posture. It’s influence helps us to understand and embrace our soul’s deliberate choosing of the groups we’re identified to from birth, for when we shove these aspects of our incarnation away, we fail to heal patterns brought in from our ancestry that can stunt our evolution and impede our joy. Saguaro imparts a sacred connection to and ability to learn from our descendants and the ancient wisdom that is kindred to us.

Information adapted from:
Kaminski, P. & Katz, R. Flower Essence Repertory, 2004.

Image Credit: Renee LaRoi of Renee LaRoi Design, Edmonton, Alberta