Wolf Willow

Wolf Willow

Wolf Willow is a POWERFUL essence that helps promote personal transformation and rebirth. Not only does this essence speed the process of transformation, it also protects the energetic boundaries of the Self as we strike out into newly expressed versions! As we approach a more true expression of ourselves, the newly projected version is both delicate AND resisted by our own Selves and those around us. Wolf Willow creates an energy sheath around our being to protect us from the impact of others’ judgment, but also to protect us from sliding back into former ways. In nature, Wolf Willow can often be found on river banks because it helps to prevent erosion due to its deep and tenacious root system. Similarly, the essence for Wolf Willow helps establish deeply rooted personal revolution and prevents erosion down the proverbial bank back into our so called “old ways”.

Here is an audio file of a guided process recorded by myself, but created by Laurie Szott-Rogers during her inception of and process with the Wolf Willow flower essence:

Information adapted from: Rogers R., Szott-Rogers, L. Prairie Deva Flower Essences, Self-Heal Distributing.

Image by Self-Heal Distributing, used with permission

Click to read about my experience with Wolf Willow